rOcKsTaR INXS...

after nearly 3 months of competition... a new rockstar was born... after his stellar performance yesterday... J.D. Fortune (right) was chosen as the new lead vocalist of the world renowed Australian rock band... INXS...
it's just so sad that my bet Mig Ayesha (bottom pic, left), an Australian music artist with a Filipino blood, lost... although he consistently won the votes of the "Rockstar INXS" viewers for the past episodes, he just couldn't pull it off in the finale... in fact, he was the first one to be eliminated among the three finalists...
surprising? not really... because both Marty (bottom pic, middle) and J.D. (bottom pic, right) performed magnificently and with a lot of style unlike Mig, who opted to sing Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody to prove INXS that he has already moved on from his theatrical past, unfortunately came up with a performance that sounded like it was too practiced...

well i guess, just like other people think, Mig is better off in broadway acts... maybe he's just not destined to become an instant rockstar...
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