MaGiC oR sTuPiDiTy?...

some would say that it's only an illusion and nobody should believe him because all the things that Blaine perform is a hoax and is just a waste of time... but for others, they want to know the secret behind that "magic/illussion"... but i say, it's enough that i was entertained for a bit, and besides where's the fun if you know how it works?... i guess it's fun to be ignorant sometimes...
anyway, the reason that i'm writing this none sense article is because i want to tell the readers of this blog (if they are existing) that David Blane, haas another stupid idea to show off. next week, in New York City, he plans to suspend himself, shackled in a spinning gyro 50 feet in the air for two days and will attempt to break free from it... sounds crazy? damn RIGHT!!! but hey, it's for a charity... glad that he had done something in return for his crazy/stupid stunts...
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