tHe aMaZinG rAcE 7...

after 11 episodes... the remaining contestants finally cross the finish line... and the married couple Uchenna and Joyce emerged as the winners of the Amazing Race 7...
it was really a very close and exciting finish... the best so far as compared to the previous races because finally the race had not been decided of who gets the best flight going to the final destination... and so far, my favorite, cause i have my bet as to who will win since the beginning of the race... that is the Survivor Couple: Rob and Amber but unfortunately they only finished second...
in this race... it's like a battle between good and evil... Good: Uchenna and Joyce because throughout the race, they always make it a point that they don't hurt somebody's feelings and help those who are in need (Meridith and Gretchen) and they played far more honest as compared to the other contestants... Evil: Rob and Amber in the sense that they are the most hated couple... why? because they seem to carry their so called "Survivor Strategies" which is to lie and cheat... but at the end... good have once again prevailed...
i think... the fast forward challenge in India really blessed Uchenna and Joyce... wherein the team have to perform a tribal ritual (shaving their hair) to ask for blessings... and obviously... it worked...
the third team to finish is the team of Ron and Kelly... just like Adam and Rebecca of the previous Amazing Race... they spent most of the race fighting and shouting at each other... is this some kind of a trend?
if you haven't seen the season finale of the Amazing Race 7... just visit their site and read the episode summaries...
it was really a very close and exciting finish... the best so far as compared to the previous races because finally the race had not been decided of who gets the best flight going to the final destination... and so far, my favorite, cause i have my bet as to who will win since the beginning of the race... that is the Survivor Couple: Rob and Amber but unfortunately they only finished second...

i think... the fast forward challenge in India really blessed Uchenna and Joyce... wherein the team have to perform a tribal ritual (shaving their hair) to ask for blessings... and obviously... it worked...

if you haven't seen the season finale of the Amazing Race 7... just visit their site and read the episode summaries...
the amazing race 7 really rocks. i have been a fan of this reality tv show eversince and it never failed me. it was worth to watch for. the season finale was really excting as expected! the twist of the game was really was really an everybody's game! to wrap up the story the winning childless couple Uchenna and Joyce are in deed deserving to be the winner.they've got the total package of a true winner... esp the heart of the winner!they were really my bet compared to the 2nd placer Rob & Amber, they may be very competitive but their attitude sucks!you can't win the game with a mere competitiveness, you should have a heart! God is good! again Congratulations to the winners. i would also like to give credit to the oldest couple Meredith and Gretchen, they've got my respect...they inspire me a lot bcoz of their courage, determination and love to each other, for me they are the winner!
4:38 PM
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